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The Necklace

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Kira Chase

ISBN :1957346

Page :34

Word Count :7546

Publication Date :2013-05-20

Series : #

Heat Level :

Available Formats : The Necklace (pdf) , The Necklace (prc) , The Necklace (epub) , The Necklace (mobi)

Category : Erotica , Mainstream Fiction , Paranormal , LGBTQIA+

  • Product Code: 1957346

Back at the apartment with shaky hands, Lara finally undid the clasp and held the emerald in her palm. It still glowed as she set it in her jewelry box. She saw a faint glow emanating from the box even after she’d closed the lid.

She stepped into the shower running the water as hot as her body could stand it. She’d barely said a word to Skye on the drive back to the apartment. When they’d arrived, she hurried to her room, telling Skye they’d talk later. With the necklace off, maybe the unfamiliar sensations would disappear. She lathered her body with soap and then stood under the hot stream of water, but the sensations continued.

She turned off the water, got out of the shower, toweled herself dry, then slipped into her old comfortable sweats. Barefoot, she walked into the living room. She was surprised to see Ian. He and Skye both kept their eyes glued on her as she made her way to an easy chair and sat down. Their probing eyes unnerved her. “What are you doing here?” She tried to keep her voice light as she looked at Ian. “I thought you had to work tonight.”

“Don’t be angry, Lara,” Skye interrupted, “but I called him. I was worried about you.”

Lara turned her eyes to Skye and her heart began to pound erratically, almost making her short of breath. She quickly averted her eyes. When she broke the gaze, her heart slowly returned to normal.

Ian took her arm. “Come on. I’m putting you to bed.”

Her first thought was to protest, but she thought better of it, stood and allowed herself to be led to her bedroom.

“Thanks for calling me, Skye,” Ian called over his shoulder as he closed the door behind Lara and him. “Did you eat something that didn’t agree with you?” he asked, turning on a lamp.

She touched his cheek. “No. I feel fine. You didn’t need to drive over here.”

His eyes narrowed. “Well, you don’t look fine. Your face is flushed and you’re trembling.”

“It’s a little chilly in here.”

His eyebrows shot up. “It’s at least seventy-five. If anything, it’s too warm. Come on, you’re getting into bed. Get out of those clothes.”

She removed her sweats and, shivering, climbed between the cool sheets. She watched Ian walk to the closet where he pulled out a heavy blanket, returned to the bed and spread it over her. He quickly undressed and slid into the bed next to her, immediately gathering her in his strong arms.

“I’ll warm you up,” he whispered.

Lara snuggled up to him. His body heat still didn’t ease the chill inside.

His fingertips trailed down her arm and then moved to her inner thigh. “You’re still shivering, but I’ll warm you up.”

“Not tonight, Ian.”

“I thought we could continue where we left off earlier.” He nuzzled her ear. “You were begging for it.”

“I’m tired, Ian. I just want to go to sleep.” He sighed heavily, but said nothing. Before he rolled onto his back, she felt his rock hard erection. “I’m sorry.”

He slid off the bed and grabbed his clothes.

“You’re leaving?”

“I’ll let you get some sleep. It’s only nine-thirty, I’m heading back to the gym.”

His shoulders were stiff, signaling his anger, sexual frustration or both. Lara knew his body language well.

His eyes drifted to the jewelry box. “Wow! You don’t even need a nightlight in here. Have you thought about having that thing tested?”

“It’s not harmful, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

He shrugged. “It’s weird. Too bad you found it, it should have stayed lost. Maybe you should get rid of it.”

“How can you say such cruel things?” She shot up in bed. “You know how sentimental it is to me. And if you knew anything about me, you would know how much I cherished my grandmother.”

He folded his arms across his broad chest. “It was fun at first, but now it’s just eerie. Especially that ridiculous story your grandmother told you. Maybe you’re letting your imagination run wild.”

Lara’s cheeks burned and she fought to control the anger rising within her. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

He silently walked out the door, closing it behind him.

Lara lay back on her pillow, praying for sleep. Maybe she was just overtired. In the morning things would be better. Who was she kidding? Whatever mystical power the emerald held, had been unleashed the moment she’d placed it around her neck. Even if Ian wouldn’t admit it, he knew there was something going on…something his reasonable mind didn’t want to accept.

Lara racked her brain trying to make sense of her grandmother’s words, but nothing made any sense. She loved Ian and planned to spend her life with him. But why couldn’t she even look at Skye? They’d been friends forever. How was Skye connected to the necklace? Her heart knew the answer, but her sensible mind kept it hidden. “No. It can’t be,” she said aloud.

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Tags: Mainstream, Paranormal, Erotica, LGBT